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What tog duvet do I need?


"Tog" denotes the insulating qualities of a duvet and does not necessarily relate to its thickness or weight. Most people use 4.5 tog in summer; 10.5 tog for all-year-round use; or 13.5 tog in winter.

We sell 4.5T, 10.5T and 13.5T duvets. 4.5 tog is used in summer, or for customers with very warm bedrooms; 10.5 tog is a normal, year-round, weight; and 13.5 tog is used in winter or for customers with colder bedrooms. We also sell 'four seasons' duvets, which consist of a summer weight and a normal weight duvet, that can be attached to make a very warm duvet for the depths of winter. Because our natural duvets are better insulators, they weigh less than our synthetic ones of a similar tog - some people prefer a weight on them when they sleep, and others prefer little or none. We can also make natural duvets of a different tog (such as 2.5 or 9), please contact us for details.
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